Analyze online documents in 3 simple steps

1. Define your needs

Simply enter the documents or pages you want to analyze

  • Web Searches (Google, Bing, Yahoo, ...)
  • Facebook Pages
  • Twitter Hashtags and accounts
  • Your Own Database
  • Custom Documents, Intranet, ...
Project setup page

2. Select pertinent indicators, or create your own

Based on your needs, we will provide you with a list of indicators you can work on (Main topics, Competitor Brands and Facebook Pages, Keywords, Customers Sentiment Analysis ...)
You can create your own indicators, refine topics, add keyword or expressions...

3. Browse results

Use our powerfull yet very easy to use Graphics to explore results.

  • Compare your brand positioning in multiple Web searches, countries, topics.
  • Compare yourself with your competitors.
  • Get a synthetic view of customer's opinion.
  • Compare products review.
  • Track the evolution of your indicators over time.
Graph Bank 2

Keep it simple, or unleash the full potential of Rubicontext

Create a simple project in just a few minutes to get the first results quickly.
Rubicontext offers infinite possibilities to fit your very own needs.

Start A Project With Us Now!

You can start your own project right now to improve your knowledge of online contents.

Get in touch with our support team to analyze your needs and set up the best project for you.

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